Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Above and beyond the call of duty.

2003-08-21 at 7:35 p.m.

Ugh. I have had the most evil two days, EVER.

Yesterday, I had to go into work at 8:00 A.M. It was horrible. Then, one of my co-workers and I were dispatched to a delinquent professor's office with a dolley and several crates to do a raid to recover the 200 books, movies and CDs he had.

This particular professor is bi-polar and refuses medication, so he's psycho most of the time. His office is filthy. Not just was like a landfill. Dirty underwear on the floor, broken CDs, moldering food and god only knows what else was waiting for us. I had to wear gloves while I worked.

Compound that with the fact that he's moving so a lot of his stuff was in boxes in a stifiling hallway with no airconditioning, well, you have a recipe for one pissed off Gem-chan. I sifted through boxes containing dirty underwear, books, crumpled papers, old socks, etc. I had to wash my hands at least three times and throw on some sanitizer before I felt like I was clean. Like I said, I had been wearing gloves, but I feel like that kind of filth seeps through latex. Yuck.

Today, I had to spend an hour updating all the virus protection, etc. on our computers here at the little library, since I have become the IT person by virtue of the fact that I can turn the fucking things on. Anyway, I had to close the computer lab for an hour while I did.

You would think that I had just beaten a baby seal with a club, the looks I got. Kids were hovering by the door, asking, "Is it time yet? Can I get on?" Over and over and over and over and over again. God, it was all I could do to keep myself from killing the little bastards or keeping the computer lab closed for the rest of evening out of spite.

But, as that would have only encouraged them to hang around me and whine, I decided that it was better to keep the lab open.

I turned on those electronic babysitters and got back to doing important things. Like writing in this journal.

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