Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.


2003-12-18 at 12:48 p.m.

Today, I think, was the last time I'll ever watch children's programming. I'm leaving for Texas tomorrow and when I get back, Special K and Baby J will be gone. So, there I was with Baby J, eating McDonald's after her Christmas program at the daycare, watching the Wiggles and Captain Feathersword.

I will miss Baby J, but I will not miss children's programming. Not one iota. I couldn't even stand it when I was a child.

I am in the midst of moving, but since I can't take off from work, I'm here, working. I have to have the house completely cleared out before I leave tomorrow morning at 6 A.M. for the airport. Of course, given the absolutely crappy weather, there's no guarentee that I'll even be able to fly out of here or shit, even make it to the airport.

Ever tried moving the middle of a snowstorm? It's about as much fun as it sounds.

By the way, I couldn't find anyone to drive me to the airport, so guess who's going to have to shell out over $100.00 for parking? Me. I'd take a taxi, but since the airport is in Syracuse, over an hour away, it would end up costing me the same. Great.

In other Jesus-The-Last-Two-Months-Have-Sucked news, I got my grades back. I got a C. A fucking C. And would you like to know WHY I got a C? Here's why:

I got As on my papers and my group projects. However, as I was in the midst of a nervous breakdown during the month of November, I wasn't posting regularly on the bulletin board like you're supposed to in a distance learning class.

So, since I missed a chunk of November, my professor gave me a 60 out of 90 on participation, lowering my grade to a C, and nearly getting me kicked out of grad school, since I have to maintain a B average.

I tried to explain to the professor what had happened, hoping maybe she'd let me do a little make up work or something, but she essentially said: "You should have told me while you were in the midst of your nervous breakdown. Tough luck."

I give up. I absolutely give up. I'm tired and I'm depressed and stressed. I haven't slept in ages. I just want to go home and forget about everything.

After I fly to El Paso, I'm getting in the car with my family on Saturday and we're driving to Dallas, where we always spend the holidays. I can only hope that my grandma will smother me with love and tamales. I can't keep up the 'happy' facade anymore. I'm beat.

Yesterday, at work, I freaked out because my boss was trying to lend out brand new books that I hadn't put in the system yet. Normally, I'd just roll my eyes and move on, but yesterday I snapped at her. She's fully aware of my problems and gave me a ton of leeway. Lucky me.

Yearghhhh. Angst, angst, angst.

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