Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Barbara Gordon Rocks!

2004-08-04 at 2:59 p.m.

Batgirl is a librarian. How could I have forgotten that? Maybe that's what I can do with my free time now that I've gotten the official kiss off from the Library of the Underworld. I can fight crime in a spandex form-fitting body suit.

Of course, me in spandex would probably be a crime deterrent in itself. People would move away from a life of crime rather than risk seeing me in form-fitting attire.

Tragically, the name Batgirl is already taken. So I can't be Batgirl. I'll have to fall back on one of my two alternate super-hero identities:

1. The Passive Aggressor: I'll fight crime by stealing criminals' parking spaces or scratching the paint on their cars. Or maybe by finding out where they live and spitting in their coffee or sending them nasty anonymous letters.

2. The LIBRARIAN: (Must be in all caps)I'll give them fines and stamp them TO DEATH! Or I'll use my mad library knowledge to blow their minds.

Right. *Sigh* Too bad crime fighting doesn't pay. I need to find a Bruce Wayne to support me.

I have re-discovered the joy of a good slice of Key Lime pie. Film at 11.

I have found an excellent new tool for managers: the Magic 8 Ball. I swear, it's taken all the pain out of making decisions.

Employees want a raise?


The library's budget?

Looks good.

Should I discipline an employee?

No doubt.

Nude Fridays?

I say yes!

Well, maybe not for all my decisions.

Nude Fridays might not be too popular among the more conservative library patrons.

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