Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Mom drops a bomb.

2004-02-02 at 3:41 a.m.

Mom: So, have you talked with your brother lately?

Me: No. Why? Did Dad fire him again?

Mom: No. He got a new job.

Me: Good for him. I told them both that working together was a bad idea. He and Dad were just about ready to kill each other.

Mom: And it would have been so peaceful around here with both of them gone. *Sigh* The house would stay clean, I wouldn't find miscellaneous pairs of underwear in between the couch cushions...

Me: If they both turn up dead from eating poisoned meatlof, I'll know who to point a finger at. Anyway, who hired him?

Mom: He got a job working for a federal judge.

Me: Cool. How much does that pay?

Mom: $48,000.00 a year and change.


Mom: Hello? Did I hang up on you again?

Me: No. Um, could you repeat that number again?

Mom: $48,000.00 a year and change.

Me: $48,000.00 a year?

Mom: And change.

Me: And change?

Mom: Yup.

Me: Shit. Life just isn't fair.

Mom: Why do you say that?

Me: Do you know how much money I make a year?

Mom: Not off the top of my head.

Me: $13,000.00 a year. If you and dad weren't helping me out, I'd be living in a cardboard box and eating squirrel.

Mom: $13,000.00? Is that it? I thought you made more. Wait, is that what you make at just one of your jobs?

Me: It's my total haul.

Mom: Geez, that's not enough to live on.

Me: Would you like some lemon juice to go with that salt you're rubbing into my festering sores?

Mom: Heh, sorry about that. Well, sweetheart, it's a good thing your father and I help you out. I'd hate to see you eating squirrel. It's probably all gamey and not nearly as good as the steak your father makes on Sundays.

Me: Lord, why do I call you? It's like I enjoy the pain you inflict.

Mom: Masochistic tendencies. I saw something about that on the Discovery Channel.

Me: So does that mean Big Al is finally going to move out of the house? Maybe get a place of his own?

Mom: Ha! I wish! He'll stay here until we have him forcibly evicted. He's such a cheap little bastard.

Me: That's bordering on pathetic. I mean, it's one thing to live with your parents because you don't have any money. It's something else when you're pulling down a sizable chunk of cash and you still rely on your mom to do your laundry.

Mom: Sad, isn't it? I have no idea how I managed to raise such a little mama's boy.

Me: One of life's great mysteries, I suppose.

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