Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Caramel De-Lite In My Ruin

2005-04-20 at 11:03 p.m.

The dress is coming! Repent! Repent your evil calorific ways!

Argh. So, the bridesmaid dress is being shipped to me this week. Coincidentally (because God is vengeful), it's also Girl Scout Cookie Week and I have fallen in with a no-good gang of chocolate covered ruffians determined to drag me to my large-assed ruin.

Damn you Thin Mints! Damn you to hell, you delicious, minty devils!

Ahem. I hate being on a diet, even the half-assed one I'm on.

Oddly enough, I have lost weight, about 25 pounds I reckon (that number dwindles with every Samoa I eat, but I digress), and since my clothes are a little looser, I feel a bit sexier. I've been very sassy the past week or so. It's kind of fun, all this sassiness. I like it.

In other news, I feel geeky. Is it impossible to feel both sexy and geeky at the same time?

I'm writing a business plan for grad school that involves a social enterprise initiative for a 501(c)(3) corporation. I think that by incorporating as an LLC under the development corporation, the organization can avoid the whole "not-for-profits should not profit" problem. It's a stupid law anyway. How else can a 501(c)(3) sustain itself in today's uncertain economic environment? If a public not-for-profit organization can't depend on the local, state and federal government to provide them with a steady stream of reliable revenue, who else can they depend on?

Wasn't that oddly sexy? I bet you want to make out with me now. Anywhoodles, once the business plan is complete, I'm going to submit it to a contest run by the Yale School of Management and the Pew Charitable Trusts that is specifically for social enterprise initiatives developed by 501(c)(3) corporations. If we win, we get a hella lot of money. And I would get to make everyone kiss my ring. A win, win situation, I think.

Today was one of those days when I felt like I am truly an adult and in charge. I schmoozed over at the village office, dropped off the canned good donations from last week's library amnesty week
to the local food pantry and schmoozed a little there, booked entertainment for the Summer Reading Program and set the schedule, sent out thank you notes to committee members, set up catering for a meeting tomorrow, discussed budget issues with the library treasurer, paid bills, cataloged books and was otherwise so God-dammned efficient that even I wondered if I had been replaced by a pod person.

Last week, I taught myself to crochet and I am now about half way through a slightly tragic baby blanket for Mistress Chicken who is in the family way.

It's hormones, I swear.


Currently Reading...
The Big Bento Box of Useless Japanese Inventions by Kenji Kawakami and
Mini Mart A La Carte by Christopher Rouser (I am currently fascinated/horrified by the Spam Trojan Horse filled with cheese.)

Currently Hearing...
Garbage, Bleed Like Me
Go Shirley, Go!

Currently Watching...
Hmmm...nothing right now.

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