Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.


2004-02-06 at 2:31 p.m.

Yet another muffalatin' snow day. Yes, that's right. I use muffalatta as a curse word. Anyway, the kids are all here and driving me up the wall. I am pointedly ignoring them right now because if I don't, I may go insane and shoot little pellets at them with the toy guns I was going to use for the St. Valentine's Day massacre display before it was vetoed by the establishment.


Plus, there's just a lot of work to be done today, which under normal 'the little shits are at school' conditions, I'd be done with by now. But have you ever tried typing labels for new items with a horde of 10 year olds shrieking about one thing or another in your ear? It's really, really hard. I kept typing things like 'fuction' instead of 'fiction'.

And someone keeps trying to fax things, but since our phone line and fax line are one in the same, I keep getting screeched at. I tell people over and over again, YOU HAVE TO CALL US SO WE KNOW TO TURN ON THE FAX MACHINE! ARRGHHHHH!!!

*Deep Cleansing Zen-Type Breath*

Dad: So, did you hear about your cousin?

Me: The gay one?

Dad: That would be the one.

Me: Then yes, I heard.

Dad: Right. I was kind of surprised.

Me: How could you be? He likes to shop!

Dad: Huh. I guess I just missed it.

Me: That reminds me, you owe me $50.00.

Dad: For what?

Me: I bet you $50.00 that he was gay. You said he wasn't, he was just effeminate.

Dad: Crap.

Me: Fork it over, big guy.

Dad: I'll send you a check.


Currently Reading...

Random smutty romance novel picked up at grocery store check-out line.

Currently Hearing...

Morphine, 'Like Swimming'

Currently Thinking...

I need to start charging these parents by the hour for looking after their spawn. I swear.

< < last ... next > >

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