Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Pardon My Estrogen Overload

2004-08-20 at 8:47 p.m.

So, I can watch Autopsy without flinching (except for that one time I was eating spaghetti and Dr. Baden made this Y-incision...and well, long story short, I wharfed)and really, I'm hard to gross out.

But I was watching E!'s special on Hollywood Beauty Secrets and they were showing all these plastic surgery procedures and damn it, I was completely grossed-out. When the Dr. shoved that needle into that fat chick's stomach and started whipping it around and sucking out fat, I was completely unmanned. I didn't wharf, but it was damn close.

Still, I am definitely all about the Brazillian butt-lift. I hate my butt and I wouldn't mind lifting it.

I admit it. I am ever so very shallow. So what? You have a problem with that? Kiss my saggy butt!

I think I'm going to go on a diet. Mostly because even my 79-year old grandma and my ex-alchoholic 53- year old uncle have lost weight and well, it's tragic when elderly people look better than me. (OK, 53 isn't really elderly, but still!)

My grandma is sexier than me. Damn it.

Also, it would probably be cheaper for me to eat less crap. Junk food is expensive. Not that I'm giving everything up, just moderating. It's not about depravation, just responsibility.

And exercise. Stupid exercise.

Damn, this is my second girliest entry ever! Pardon my estrogen, people, it's that time of the month.


Currently Reading...

Err...actually, nothing. Dammit. I need a book! I'm going through withdrawl!

Currently Hearing...

Sound of thighs rubbing together.

Currently Watching...

Penn and Teller: Bullshit!

Dead Like Me

Current Beauty Secret...

Witch Hazel

Current Nail Polish Color...

Revlon: Riveting Russett

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