Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Five Friday Fishes

2004-01-31 at 2:31 a.m.

That's right party people, it's (cue drums) THE FRIDAY FIVE! Shut up. I don't have anything interesting to say. Maybe by the time I'm done with the FF, I'll have thought of something.

You have just won one million dollars:

1. Who do you call first?

My parents.

2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself?

Actually, the first thing I'd do is pay off all my bills. So, I guess I'd be buying...good credit?

3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else?

I'd pay off my parents' morgatage and buy them their house.

4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom?

I'd give some to my grandparents and my bro, who needs a little cash. I'd also give some to my best friend, Moonspark, who's trying to pay for grad school and Special K, who has a kid to support. I'd also give a little to a few local humane societies, the ACLU, Amnesty International, my high school and some environmental charities.

5. Do you invest any? If so, how?

Is there any left? Gaaah. I'd probably invest in some real estate and maybe buy a few stocks and CDs. I'd also sock a little bit away in a savings account.

I re-read the above and I come off as a bit of a daddy's girl type. But it's true, I would do all the above. I wouldn't have any money left at the end of it, but at least I'd feel like I spent it well.

To hell with Bob Villa!

Remember how, a few entries back, I hypothesized that I needed a Bob Villa type around? Well, screw that. Like a fish needs a bicycle, says I.

What am I muttering about? WELL!

In the past 48-Hours I've:

*Fixed a broken door

*Put together a piece of furniture

*Unclogged a toilet (it was paper!)

*Changed a windshield wiper

*Added windshield washer fluid

*Checked my tire pressure

*Changed a light bulb in a extremely high ceiling fixture

*Unclogged a sink (my plumbing is very, very old)

*Moved furniture

*Programmed my VCR.

Who needs a man?

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