Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Stars in the constellation fuckhead

2004-02-24 at 12:57 p.m.

I think I want to become gay so I can marry another woman just to spite President Bush.

Honestly, that man is a dick. Him and his evil little cabal of warmongering fuck-heads.

That right there was brilliant political commentary, by the way. Okay, it wasn't. Bite me. I was a history major and I slept through my one polisci class. And had weird dreams about Alexander Hamilton and a kinkier version of the Federalist Papers modeled after the Kama Sutra. Political intercourse. Heh heh. (All right, I think Alexander Hamilton was kind of saucy. Growl. Lord, I am such a dork.)

Last time I checked, Amendments to the United States Constitution were supposed to grant freedoms, not take them away. Let's do a quick rundown:

1st Amendment: Grants freedom of press and the right for the public to peacefully assemble. VG.

2nd Amendment: Um, well, this one's a bit vague. Something about how nuts in Michigan can start militias and shoot people.

3rd Amendment: No soldiers in your house, granting you freedom from, um...soldiers in your house, which is a very bad thing, unless you're married to a soldier. Then you want him in your house. Unless your marriage is on the rocks, but do I really have to get into this? I didn't think so.

4th Amendment-14th Amendment: Important, but kind of boring to discuss.

15th Amendment: Everyone (okay, when this was ratified, 'everyone' meant men, but still, it was an improvement) can vote regardless of color.

16th Amendment: Income tax. Okay, this Amendment kind of sucks.

17th Amendment: Something about term limits and voting stuff. Kind of boring.

18th Amendment: Prohibition. Okay, this was a mistake. Drink on, America!

19th Amendment: Everyone (and this time, we mean EVERYONE) can vote. Even you silly little women, who we all know will vote for candidates with the nicest hats, setting a dangerous precendent of influence by haberdasheries.

20th Amendment: Blah, blah, Presidential terms, blah, 20th of January, blah, blah.

21st Amendment: Remember the 18th Amendment? Well, never mind. Our bad! Go ahead and use your bathtubs for bathing again and buy your gin at a liquor store.

22nd Amendment: Term limits. Only two terms per president, no purchase necessary. (This means YOU Roosevelt!)

23rd Amendment: Confusing.

24th Amendment: Honestly, how many times do we have to say it? EVERYONE HAS A RIGHT TO VOTE! You Southerners, quit charging poll taxes, you are pissing us off! Black people can vote, GET IT?

25th Amendment: If the President keels, the VP takes over. Very scary amendment while Bush Sr. was in office. Quayle. *shudder* Every time Sr. had a heart murmur, I think mine stopped.

26th Amendment: Voting age is now 18.

27th Amendment: We've run out of cool stuff to amend. All the basics have been covered. What to amend, what to amend? Aha!

"No law varying the compensation for the services of the Senators and Representatives shall take effect until an election of Representatives shall have intervened." WTF?

And so ends Gem-chan's run down of the 27 Amendments to the U.S. Constitution. There was once a push to pass an amendment banning flag burning, but it was pretty silly and violated a person's right to free expression, so, although it comes up from time to time, it's never been passed.

And now Bush, Jr. is supporting an amendment banning gay marriage. Why? Because if gays can marry then well, everyone will become gay. And the human race will become extinct because gay people can't have kids.

Right. I'm fairly certain that the divorce rate has been skyrocketing for decades, and that a statistically small number of marriages have actually ended because one of the people in the marriage became gay.

I find it amusing that the people who are telling us that marriage is a sacred institution are the people who are on their third marriage or twelfth mistress. Right guys. You legislate my morality.

While I'm in a ranting kind of mood, what is up with Ralph Nader? Honestly. Yet another fuckhead in a ever expanding universe of fuckheadedness.

Yet more brilliant political commentary by me, Gem-chan. Political layman extraordinare.

Hey, don't get me wrong, I admire everything Nader did in the 60's and '70s. He was truly a pioneer and a great voice for the people, speaking out against automobile manufacturers and their very bad safety record. (Pintos, good in Mexican food, bad in cars.)

His campaigns to revitalize corporate responsibility and to ferret out hazardous corporate practices were truly admirable. I don't dismiss what he has done, not at all.


I truly believe that Nader's decision to enter the 2000 Presidential Elections cost Gore the election and helped put Bush in office.


If Nader splits the ticket again, it could be very, very bad. 4 more years of Bush? *Shudder* He's racked up more federal debt than Reagan and he started out with a surplus! Documents have shown that Bush intended to go to war with Iraq BEFORE 9/11. He's attacked our basic freedoms, and continues to do so in a very 1984-Orwellian scary way, he has gutted environmental protection acts and allowed drilling for oil in Alaskan natural preserves, he's made the Europeans hate us more than usual, he lies, he cheats, he steals and he DOESN'T CARE IF WE KNOW BECAUSE HE THINKS HE'S ABOVE THE LAW.

Ralph, please, put the country ahead of your ego. You won't win, you won't. John Kerry is not a perfect candidate, what politician is? But he's the best candidate we have and he has a real shot at winning. What should be most important right now is getting Bush out of office.


Here are some interesting links:

The Wage Slave Journal

The White House

Repentant Nader Voter

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