Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

I hate school

2004-04-16 at 1:45 a.m.

Well. I logged into Diaryland and BOOYAH! Everyone on my buddy list had updated! It was like Christmas, only angstier.

Someone give amblus a hug and when you're done, give her a job. A good job with benefits and bicycles. Seriously.

So today was my first day as director. I haven't really been able to savor being THE BOSS, as I have three papers due in quick succession and I am going out of my mind. I can't even enjoy the weekend because I have to spend it writing a literature review and creating a power point presentation. God damn it. I hate being in school.

I wish I was done. There is nothing I detest more than having knowledge shoved into my brain and then being forced to write a paper on it. Can't we all just assume I KNOW it? Please?

I've been in school almost my entire life. From age 3 until now and I only got a year off right after college. God, I miss those days. No papers, no boring reading, no mind-dulling, I was free to loaf. And loaf I did.

21 years of being force-fed knowledge. Argh. I prefer to learn at my own pace. My sluggishly slow place with plenty of anime breaks to alleve the boredom.

5 minutes until the library closes. Dammit, if I have to explain to one more person where the 24 hour lounge is, I think I'll scream. I mean, I give the directions during my announcements EVERY NIGHT!!! Isn't anyone listening to me? Anyone?

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