Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Deep breath...

2004-04-01 at 4:54 p.m.

I had a very long discussion with my mother today. I had sent her a copy of the letter I intended to send to the search committee about the Evil Slag. She was ADAMANT that I not send the letter. She said a lot of things that really made sense to me. Among them, that there was a good chance that my letter would be dismissed as that of a disgruntled employee, that I had become unhealthily focused on my anger regarding this whole situation and that I need to leave this job as soon as possible, but when I do, I need to leave on good terms.

She's right. Argh. I HATE it when she's right. And she'll point out that she's right all the time. I put her score more around 85%, but only because I'm not in smacking range. I'm glad I observed the 24 hour rule on this letter. I'm glad I asked other people's opinions before I did anything.

And I'm also VERY GLAD that a co-worker stopped by the wee library today and informed me that several people on the search committee for my boss's job informed him that they're probably going to go outside of the department to find a replacement and that the evil slag's reputation was a KNOWN factor. Phew. Now I can quite happily pull myself out of the mire of this icky situation and concentrate on just doing my job and not giving a damn. I hate how I've sounded lately. Bitter and whiny. It's not ME.

I'm going to shake this whole thing off and worry exclusively about school and the wee library. Every time something annoying happens at the Library of the Underworld, I'll just roll my eyes and move on. Starting today.

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