Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

On-Line Survey, In Lieu Of An Actual Entry

2004-02-09 at 3:32 p.m.

Damn you, Chris! You've made me lazy! Wait...I already was. Never mind. Carry on.

What's a weird fear you have that no one else probably does?:Mormons
Is not Jon Stewart great?:He is the MAN!
What song are you listening to?:'Hey Jimmy' from PMK Soundtrack
Best face wash/acne fighting product?:Whatever that stuff was that my dermatoligist gave me.
How loud do you sneeze?:Not very, I'm a dainty sneezer.
Do you like your handwriting?:Yes, it's muy shexy.
Ugliest color you've ever seen?:Puce
Does having matching socks matter to you?:Yes, oh my God, yes.
If you were in band, what would you call it?:Hades and Persephone
Last time you were on a plane?:January
Have a digital camera?:No.
How big is your TV?:19"
Have you ever heard of Mystery Science Theater 3000?:Naturally. I own many, many MST3K DVDs
How many pillows do you sleep with?:One giant body pillow
sXe.. good or bad?:What the hell is that?
Most annoying commercail ever?:That Australian dude with the bow tie who wants to wax your car.
Lamest pick-up line ever?:Are you tired? 'Cause you've been running through my mind all night.
Dumbest song ever?:Anything by Britney Spears
Worst way to die?:Drowning
Who's the funniest comedian?:Eddie Izzard, baby!
Ever been in a car accident?:Yuppers.
Ever had braces?:Tragically, yes.
Do you know HTML?:Yes, he's a good friend of mine.
What's the most useless class in school?:Geometry. YOU DON'T USE IT!
Best Jones Soda flavor?:Eh?
Something you collect?:Perfume bottles
Something you're allergic to?:Mold
Something you wish would die?:Republicans and Fox News Network

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