Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Shelving in Satan's Library

2003-12-07 at 11:40 p.m.

I hate books.

Okay, actually, I don't. I like books. Smutty books, funny books, sometimes books on history or murderers, etc. What I really hate are Brimstone University books which are being returned at a rate more rapid than Daredevil at your nearest Blockbuster.

"But sir, you just checked it out thirty minutes ago!"

I know what you're thinking: "What do you expect when over 24,000 books are circulated? They have to be returned sometime."

Right. But do they all have to be returned during my shift? Can't the students give me a break and return them during the evil slag's shift? Honestly.

In other Brimstone U. news, I gather that our football team, 'The Minions' are doing well. Very well. I'm not sure what these things mean, but my dad, a fellow Brimstone U. alum, is all excited and the last football game (yesterday's) was televised nationally, so I guess it's a big deal.

I was working here yesterday, the dogwatch. AKA 8AM to 4PM. When the game ended, according to one student, spectacularly, with Brimstone U. winning by one point in the last 30 seconds, hundreds of drunken Brimstone U. students charged the field, toppled the opposing team's goal post and absconded with it. It's final resting place is the bottom of the lake of fire and feces. I bet they didn't get that on ESPN. Ha.

I've slowly been acquiring things for my new apartment. See, I've already paid this month's rent and I paid the rent for the parsonage for December as well. So, I kinda have two places to live. I'm not moving out of the parsonage until Special K does, so I've got time to furnish the apartment.

Today I bought a computer desk and chair, some curtains, an ironing board, some storage drawer thingies and a partridge in a pear tree. I still need to buy, you know, a bed and some living room furniture. I'm trying to somehow acquire a futon that won't cost me the gross national product of a third world country. Furniture, even cheap-ass, ugly furniture, is expensive. I'm becoming rather enamored of the idea of using boxes.

Speaking of boxes, have you been to Target lately? They have this wierd furniture that doesn't require tools to put together. I can't find it on their website, which isn't surprising since the furniture is fucking ugly. It brings to mind the cheap balsa wood furniture I used to buy for my dollhouse, you know the kind. It came in flat sheets and all you needed was an X-acto knife and some glue. Right, well they have that and it's ugly and surprisingly not cheap.

I also bought a shower curtain and some bathroom thingies, like a soap dispenser and a bath mat. It's kind of fun, but I do need to stop spending money on junk and buy real furniture.

In other news, my dad informed me that he read this journal. Umm...ack. It's not that this journal is full of lies or anything, but I do occasionally talk about sex and relationships and I'm not entirely sure I want my dad to read that. It's...wierd. Hi dad.

Still miss my cat, but I don't cry as much anymore. You know, I'm not sure I can get another cat. There's so much emotional investment and I don't know if I can stand it. Maybe I'll feel differently in a few months when I'm alone. They are such wonderful companions. Hilde was a real sweetheart. Crap, I'm tearing up.

mnvnjnsn suggested I start taking donations to help pay for her cremation. That would be cool, but I think I'd feel better if everyone just made a donation to their local animal shelter this holiday season. Do it for your kitties and puppies.

I'm at work and it's taken me about one hour to write this entry because it's so damn busy. Stupid work. Stupid students. Blah. Someone just returned about 50 books. STOP IT! KEEP THEM!

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