Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Spring Break Sucks HardCore

2003-04-18 at 1:55 p.m.

You know, I avoided economics classes while in college like the plague, so perhaps I just don't understand some obscure economic law set forth by Adam Smith or something, maybe. Here's the deal...

Most everybody knows that the economy has gone into the toilet. (Gee, I wonder why?) So, the ripple effects have been felt everywhere, including in the hallowed halls of Colgate University. As a staff member, I've been forwarded e-mails from the head office about saving money.

My boss wants us to trim corners and save money where we can. No more overtime, no more toilet paper, no more free trips to the Bahamas for the executives, whatever. I feel the urge to point out that the circulation department is the most underpaid and overworked department in the library. We do the most, but we get the least amount of compensation. (Typical.) I myself was hired just to clerk, but I find myself doing interlibrary loan, computer maintenence and reference. Okay, I've strayed from the topic at hand, which is an economic question.

Why, if we are so strapped for cash, have the powers that be purchased a $9,000.00 television screen and a $1,000.00 computer to run a five minute looped program advertising the hours we are open, library facts and inspid news bits?

I'm sure there's some sort of explanation for this...right? I mean, I'd hate to believe that the people who run the library think that saving .50 on cheap toilet paper is important but $10,000.00 is chump change. Maybe the head of the library took a pay cut to buy it? (Doubtful)

On a much amusing last note, Tracie, the lady who I work with, and I have been asked to turn off the monitor when we close the library to save money. Is this retarded or what?

OOH! UPDATE! While I was typing this, I had to pause to deal with stuff and this happened...

So, today is the first day of Spring Break which means all the little kiddies are in, driving me nuts. Computer One chooses today to blow a gasket. I have to call Gates and Gateway to see about getting it fixed.

I'm on the phone, listening to the Muzak version of Muskrat Love (which was already a form of Muzak)when E.T. (remember the list? Evil child)comes in.

She sees me on the phone and sighs loudly, rolling her eyes. I turn my back on her. She says loudly to her brother, "Why is she on the phone? I bet it's not even for work." I grit my teeth. She comes up to the front desk and stands there, tapping her fingers, sighing and ocassionally looking at the clock. I, meanwhile, am trying to explain what is wrong with the computer to three seperate people.

She then begins to pepper me with questions WHILE I AM ON THE PHONE! The Gates guy is giving me a case number to reference and the Gateway guy (we were on a conference call)is trying to confirm our address to ship a new motherboard. She wants to know if her movie is in, and when I shake my head, she wants to know, "Why not? Who has it? Why is it taking so long?"

I tell the guys on the phone to hold on, put my hand over the reciever and hiss, "Go away, I'm busy." She gets all huffy and says, "I'm telling your boss!"

I tell her to go ahead. She gets mad and leaves. I sigh in relief and go back to dealing with work.

As I am typing this, I glanced out the window and N.S., annoying patron extraordinare is on her way in, along with 5 more kids who want a computer. I am going to cry.

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