Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.


2004-04-06 at 4:32 a.m.

I've been having problems getting to sleep lately. .:points at the time this entry was written:. 4:30 a.m. people. I should be asleep. But for some strange reason, I'm not. I just can't shut my damn brain off. Did I pay the electric bill? Did I check to see when my usability study is due? Where are my pants? The questions just go on and on and I can't sleep.

I even tried my old trick of sleeping on the couch. For some reason, I find couches more effective than hot milk or a valium for getting me to sleep. Don't ask.

But no. I'm still awake and not really even tired. But I know, I just KNOW that this will bite me in the ass around 2:00 in the afternoon when my body says: "Ok, now it's nap time!" and I fall asleep right in the middle of checking out a book or something. I can only pray that I don't fall asleep while operating heavy machinery.

In other news, I got my first: "Well, that's not how the other director did it." Ah, I'm not even officially in charge yet and someone is already pining after the old days when my boss was still in charge. Wait, she's still in charge now. Obviously that person is an idiot. I haven't even DONE anything yet. What the hell was she talking about?

Hillary Clinton came and spoke at Brimstone U. today. I would have gone, but it was during the day when I was a t work and last time I checked, Hillary wasn't paying my bills. So, I worked.

I had to go to the bank after work and I got stuck in a Hillary-induced traffic jam right in front of Brimstone U.'s indoor sports complex thing where she spoke. I totally forgot she was on today, so I blithely got into my car and drove into town. If I had remembered, I would have taken the long way in, via the F.M. (that's farm maintenance for you city folk)road through Deliverance country. Alas, I forgot and thus was stuck in traffic for fifteen minutes.

It reminded me of the time my family and I got stuck in a traffic jam filled with hippies going to a Greatful Dead concert outside of Washington D.C. Only, you know, less hippies and more yuppies.

Blah. I want to go to sleep!

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