Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

No Apartment for You!

2003-10-23 at 1:33 p.m.

So, the bijou converted garage has been rented. No apartment for me! I can't say that I'm disappointed. I'm not. It was kind of a depressing place. Tomorrow, I've made an appointment with a realtor to see some apartments here in the village. We'll see how that goes.

I'm not one of those people who pretends not to be interested and says things like: "Well, it's okay, I suppose. I'll let you know."

Mostly because there is some competition for apartments around here and if you do that they'll say: "Whatever, chucklehead! We'll just rent this baby to that guy over there. Go find yourself a nice cardboard box to dwell in."

So, if I go to the apartment tomorrow and I like it, then I'll make an offer. That's it. I don't like to take forever making decisions. My housemate does that whenever we go out to a restaurant, it takes her half an hour to decide. Drives me nuts. Give me five minutes and I'm ready. Every time she sends the waitress away with: "We'll need just a few more minutes." I want to scream, "No! Come back! Take my order!"

Bah. And humbug. I'm getting anxious to be on my own again. What can I say? I'm a solitary kind of gal. Every time Baby J wakes me up at 7 AM screaming like a banshee because her mom's in the shower, every time I come home and see that our house is an unbridled pit of filth, and most of it isn't mine, every time I have to babysit, switch around my life and miss out on me-time, I check my calendar, take deep zen breaths and remind myself that my tour of duty is over in December.

Initially, this was supposed to last only for our senior year. Somehow, it's lasted much longer than that. I didn't mind in the beginning, but it's starting to get to me. I mean, I don't have a kid. I should be enjoying my freedom. I'm young! Unencumbered! If I want to go to Walmart at 1 in the morning, it should be no problem!

A month and a half. Then, I'll be able to run about in my underwear without fear of stepping on some sort of extremely painful baby toy, waking people up or scaring the hell out of Special K's freaky Christian friends. Did I mention she's a freaky Christian? We purposely avoid talking about religion because it irritates me and I really hate it when she brings her friends to the house so they can wax philosophical on the many good points of a Christian lifestyle. Bah and humbug again.

People, I'm working today from 12:30 PM-2 AM because one of my co-workers is out of town and I have to take over her shift, leaving me no time today. Once I close the wee library, then I have to shuttle over to the university library. An unbridled pit of hell. That's what this is.

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