Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Bloody ILL Lady Bites My Bum

2004-03-29 at 11:16 p.m.

I will now add a new job title to my ever growing list: courier.

Ah yes. Today I got a call at the wee library from the ILL lady who I ocasionally work with at the university library. I was alarmed since I try to avoid mixing my happy work life with my miserable one. It just makes me angsty and not very effective when trying to come up with a cute Easter display.

I kept imaginging a display filled with the evil bum biting bunnies from 'Monty Python and the Holy Grail' and the evil people-eating bunnies from 'One Piece', so, a very bloody Easter display which, while faithful to the original IDEA of Easter, would probably make children cry. Bloody bunnies. Wait...what was I talking about? Oh yeah...

So, the ILL lady called me at my happy job to ask me to set up an account for her and check her out some DVDs. Fine. When are you coming to get them? Oh, you want me to bring them to you? Tonight, when I come to work? Well...that's not exactly kosher...

But then again, there were several factors conspiring against my ability to say no:

1. I am a weenie. A jell-o weenie with no spine. And I just want every one to love me. .:whine:.

2. I was in the middle of checking something (okay, about 50 somethings) to a patron who also wanted me to print out her check-out list because she can't remember what she has out. EVER.

3. It was 5 minutes before closing and there were 4 other people waiting for help.

So, I said yes, hurriedly took down her information and finished up my work. I am annoyed and fairly certain that I have set up a dangerous precedent. I hate being nice and spineless. It's annoying.

Gah. I can only hope and pray that she doesn't start using me like a bloody courier service, schlepping her stuff to and fro. I'm a freakin' LIBRARY DIRECTOR, not the UPS guy! She has a car and I happen to know she takes 2 hour lunch breaks. If she wants free videos so badly then she can bloody well come down and get some.

I say that, but we all know that I will silently seethe and continue to bring her videos because I suck.

Bloody Currents...

Currently Reading...

Weekly World News. Did you know Marilyn Monroe was a vampire and that she was killed by the CIA to prevent her from biting Kennedy? Did you also know that our newest terrorist threat is in the form of Middle Eastern midgets disguised as lawn gnomes? It's TRUE!

Currently Hearing...

No Doubt, Singles 1992-2003. It's spunky. I saw No Doubt in concert back in 1995 0r '96, when they were touring with Bush. They rocked my socks. Still do.

Currently Watching...

Psychic Detectives, Autopsy, Forensic Files, One Piece, Fullmetal Alchemist and What Not To Wear on BBC America.

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