Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

E Pluribus Unum-Out Of Many, One Political Entry

2004-10-11 at 1:04 p.m.

For someone who grew up directly involved IN politics, I feel like I haven't been doing much talking about the debates, the election, Kerry, Bush, et al. I mean hell, I was PRESIDENT of the College Democrats at Brimstone University, you'd think I would be ranting daily about all of this malarky.

But I don't, mostly because it depresses me. You know what really depresses me? That despite ALL the evidence that our current President is a MONDO FUCK HEAD, he's still running even with Kerry. I mean, shit, the man has Satan for a vice president and he's still popular!

Why is that? I think it's because he spent his presidency carefully polarizing the nation so that people would be so filled with hatred and animosity that there would be no way in hell they would vote Democrat or any other way than Republican because then they'd be commies or Arab-lovers or something. He personally might be as smart as a pile of toenail clippings, but the people he was working for him are fucking brilliant.

And I must say that either way, no matter who wins, THE MAN will still be on top. Both Bush and Kerry are members of the ultimate old boy's network, Skull and Bones. Yalies, both of them. Maybe the world would be a better place if we elected a President who went to Community College. I doubt they have Skull and Bones over at Mohawk Valley CC.

Oh and the Bush fortune has its roots in the China trade, a polite euphanism for Opium. That's how they made their money. Enslaving people, addicting them to a drug to make money. Oh, and G.W.'s grandpappy ran a banking scheme for the Nazis. So yeah, trust this guy.

Ahhh, how refreshing to dip a toe into paranoid conspiracy laden waters. Normally, I stay firmly on the banks, but hell, some of this stuff is pretty darn compelling.

And, before you leave me notes, I'm sure I could find all sorts of crap on Kerry, but you know what? Bush pisses me off more. I've been dealing with him longer than you have, unless you're from Texas. Over a decade, people. Over a decade of his stupidity. He ran Texas into the ground and now he's running the U.S. into the ground. Give me Kerry any day.

I've had the opportunity to heckle Bush in person, twice. Once in 1996 at a high school graduation he was speaking at and again in 1999, at a college graduation he was speaking at. Both times were when he was governor of Texas and man, it was fun. Daddy joined me in heckling at the college graduation and Mom got really pissed off and stepped on my foot, hard because people were staring and security guards were eyeing us. But it was fun. I just thought I'd mention that.

Anyway, there you have it. My political entry for the month. I'm not going to think about it any more or I'll have to up my anti-depressant dosage.

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