Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

What's YOUR Frequency, Kenneth?

2004-06-16 at 9:11 a.m.

Oh my God. Is it a little chilly in hell? I ask because I woke up this morning at 6:30 A.M. on my own. I just woke up. And then, listen to this, I ATE BREAKFAST! There's more! I'm still awake! I watched a couple episodes of 'Futurama' on DVD.

I think it's sick, just sick.

Speaking of sick...

There's something I've identified as 'Everybody Hurts-itis'.

It's when the song 'Everybody Hurts' comes on the radio in a car and, invariably, everyone in the car looks out the nearest window moodily. It's the damndest thing. People aren't even doing it to be ironic, it's like an ingrained reaction or something. What is up with that?

I was listening to the radio the other day, something I rarely do because local radio SUCKS (I swear, one more Britney Spears radio block and everybody WILL HURT), but my only CD was skipping, so, the radio was on and 'Everybody Hurts' came on.

Well, this particular radio station is really the only one that comes on around here, given that I live in some sort of cell-phone/radio-wave sucking vortex, and I noticed that in all the cars around me, everyone was staring moodily out the window. It was creepy, like Michael Stipe had taken over everyone's BRAIN.

What's next? Epileptic-seizure type dancing and obscure references to attacks on popular T.V. news anchors?

Ugh. School. Here's my latest assignment:

The purpose of this assignment is to learn about the special problems of describing and providing access to information in a variety of forms.

In preparation for this assignment, read the Bibliographic Control Lecture, the AACRII Lecture and the Nonprint Lecture.

*shudder* AACRII. The language of Satan. If Satan was a cataloging librarian. Which he might just be, given the intrinsically evil nature of cataloging systems. The new number of evil is 025.32 ANG.

Holy Shit. We interrupt this rant to provide you with some breaking news from CNN.Com...

"Commission reports "no credible evidence" that al Qaeda and Iraq cooperated in 9/11 attacks on United States. Details soon."

HA! I KNEW IT! Yo, Shrub, your little house of cards is a-crumblin'!

Come on everybody, let's go read some Molly Ivins and get militant!

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