Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Illicit Journal Entry

2004-11-30 at 3:31 p.m.

I had to undo the web filter so I could illicitly write this journal entry from the SBPL. Howdy.

How was your Thanksgiving? With the exception of the 23-hour flight to California, the 20-hour flight back to New York and being denied my ghost tour, I had a jolly old time.

I rode a bike. On the beach. Because I was in California, you understand. I had no choice. And my butt hurt for days because I sat on the seat funny.

I went to the Getty Museum, which is like a Disney World for nerds, complete with a tram. I saw a Rembrandt and, when the guard wasn't looking...I touched it. Just a little touch. I had to do it, dammit. It was a Rembrandt.

I also went to Catalina Island. I think there's a song associated with it, which my uncle and Dad sang, badly.

As per the usual family holiday, there was much drinking and fighting and insult slinging. But, in a loving way. For us, a well-thought out and delivered insult is better than a hug any day. It shows we care.

I didn't see any ghosts, although my room was just down the hall from an area that was a "confirmed" haunted area. I did manage to scare the crap out of my brother, though, so that was fun. And I also was able to use the phrase "poop deck" without getting into trouble. Woo hoo.

My uncle's been on a health kick since moving to CA and he's lost about 60 pounds, so he harped on me about my diet and looked askance at me every time we went out. It was kind of annoying. I was on vacation, dammit! I didn't want to know how many points I was consuming.

His new girlfriend was nice enough, but she has this thing about lists and planning. She planned the whole week, which is why there was no time to go on the ghost tour. She's like a very perky drill seargent. But she didn't bat an eye at all the insult slinging, so she's okay.

I'll write more later. Preferably when I'm not at work, pretending to be busy. Mazel Tov!


Currently Reading...
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach
Who knew dead bodies could be funny?

Currently Hearing...
Back to moody, weepy brit pop. Keane, Hopes and Fears

Currently Watching...
Adult Swim
One Piece
Anything on A&E

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