Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Me! Me! And did I mention? Me!

2003-08-24 at 6:43 a.m.

This is the entry where I sum up who the hell I am, for those of you just joining us. I'm motivated to do this because one of my class assignments was to create a webpage about myself and I filled it full of so much crap, they could smell it. This here is the real me.

1. Name: Old, outdated and rather fitting for a librarian. I used to really hate my name. I wanted to be named something cool like Zelda or Ophelia or Eva. But nooooo, I was named after two great-aunts and my grandmother, none of whom liked their names. Oh, the irony. I'm mostly over my annoyance and I accept my name like some people accept an extra toe or a lazy eye. Sure, I could probably change it, but what a pain in the ass. I don't go by cutsey nicknames. It's my full name or nothing. You want to know my name? All right, but promise not to laugh. It's Margaret. If you call me Maggie or Meg, THEN YOU DIE!

2. Age: 23. I know that's not old, but a lot of stuff that was popular when I was growing up is coming back. Carebears, Strawberry Shortcake, Garbage Pail makes me feel old.

3. Education: I have a B.A. in History from Colgate University. I barely made it out alive. I swear, those had to be the worst 4 years of my life to date. I'm currently a grad student at Syracuse U., where I'm going for my M.S.L.I.S. Damn, that looks impressive. It's a Master of Science in Library and Information Science. I think.

4. Career Aspirations: I want to be a librarian. A kick ass librarian. Heh.

5. Hobbies: Reading, writing, antiquing, Japanese animation, webpage design, snark, people watching and playing with Barbies when no one is looking. (The clothes are much cooler now.)

6. Living Situation: Since senior year of college, I have been living with a good friend and her baby. She got pregnant by accident and was going to drop out of college when I offered to live with her and help out. It's been two years now and I must say, I've become attached to Baby J. Normally, I don't like kids, but I make exceptions for the little rug rat because I saw her when she was just a fetus and had the cutest kidneys ever!

Ahem. Anyway, my friend is currently in grad school, set to graduate in December. She's planning on moving back home when she's done, so I'll be saying bye to them around January.

7. Pets: I knew I was officially an adult when I adopted my own pet. I have a cat named Hilde (actually Hildegard). If I want to impress you with my History degree then I will say that she was named after a 12th century German nun named Hildegard of Bingen, sometimes called the Sibyl of the Rhine because of her visions. She was officially sainted in the late nineteenth century and her feast day is on the 17th of September.

But if you know me, and I suppose you guys do, then I'll have to confess that I actually named her after an anime character, Hilde Schbeker, from Gundam Wing. Heh. I don't need to impress you guys, right?

8. Where am I from? Born and raised in Texas, currently residing in New York state.

9. Can I cook? Hell yeah. My daddy is the best cook around and he taught me how. I don't cook all that often because I'm lazy, but when I do...look out!

10. Siblings: 1 older brother, he just graduated from law school and took the bar a couple of weeks ago. He's a bit of an idiot and clueless about women, but luckily, I call him up every once in a while and tell him how to live his life, so he does okay.

That's all I can think of right now. I must confess it's hard to type with a 12th century German saint perched on the keyboard.

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