Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Maybe the dingo ate your baby! (This title has nothing to do with this entry!)

2005-08-05 at 12:23 a.m.

I don't know if I've mentioned this enough, or even at all (the brain, where is the brain?!) but I am happy to say that I am DONE, DONE, DONE!! with my MLS.

I am a real librarian now!! I am Batgirl! Wooo!

I submitted all the paperwork and turned in all the last-minute things and God willing, Syracuse U. will send me that sweet little piece of paper that I can frame and wear like Flavor Flav's clock necklace.

Now I have to go look for a real job because like David Sedaris says, Sallie Mae isn't really a sweet bare-footed bucktoothed hillbilly somewhere in Kansas willing to give me a break. No, she's a vicious ex-con with meaty fists and a mind to kick my ass if I don't start sending money. Erlack a pongoes, as Georgia Nicholson says.

I like quoting other people. They tend to be much better at expressing themselves than I am.

Tomorrow (or, today, now that I look at the clock), I have a meeting with a community foundation to beg for money for this little project I was working on for my internship at a library system. Now that I'm done with school I don't technically have to keep working on the project, but how ghetto would that be of me to say, "All right, my 150 hours are up, later people!" and just leave the project half finished? Super ghetto. More ghetto than the love spawn of Britney Spears and Kevin Federline. Yes, it is possible to be THAT ghetto.

So, I have to shave my legs and work on being coherent. I have a tendency to not be in meetings with real adults. Or, I babble about badgers. Oh god, the badgers. I have a presentation ready, so let's hope I stick to the pertinent stuff and avoid any mention of furry mammals.

On another note, my father is doing better. He no longer thinks it's March or Monday and he's sounding a little better. Maybe he will pull himself out of this after all.

And on another, another note, it's 7 weeks until Mistress Chicken lays her egg! That is, 7 weeks until one of my bestest friends has her baby. I'm going down to Texas for the momentous event (she's the first in our really close group of friends to have a baby) and hopefully, to interview for a job. I'm still crocheting her v. 3.0 baby blanket (v. 1.0 and v. 2.0 were horrible failures, like Dr. Frankenstein's first few attempts), so if I want to get it done in time, I'd better get off my ass and start crocheting. Hopefully, v.3.0 will be a better success than its forebearers and won't accidentally kill a little girl and carry my dead body around while my castle burns. Uhhh, what?


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Smut, smut, smut, smut, SMUT!

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Coldplay, Parachutes
Damn you, Chris Martin, damn you for making me cry like a little bitch!

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