Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Refreshingly LIST FREE!

2005-02-07 at 2:52 a.m.

Is it just me or have I spent a lot of entries just filling out surveys? No, it's not just me. Alas!

Some people have questioned me about the origin of my dad's nickname, Bobito. His name is Bob, of course. In the Spanish language, or at least the Spanglish I grew up with, adding -ito or -ita to a name or a thing meant "little". For example, in Spanish, a table is a mesa. Adding -ita to it (and doing a little fiddling)you'd get mesita, which meant "little table". Adding -ito to Bob meant that I was saying "Little Bob", in a purely non-perverted way.

Some time in high school I decided to give him an obnoxious nickname, mostly because I myself was obnoxious and I felt like sharing the obnoxious love. So, I experimented with some nicknames and came up with Bobito. It sounds cute. You just want to pinch his cheeks.

My father is a short man. Everyone in my family is. Short, anyway. Not all of us are men. It's funny that although he's short in stature, in everything else he's larger than life. I didn't realize it until he got hurt and people came out of the woodwork to wish him well. He's always just been my dad, but he's been much more to other people.

My brother told me that while he was going through my father's law files so he could take over while dad was out, he discovered that my dad had a habit of waiving legal fees and doing things for free to help people. That's just my dad for you.

Today, incidentally, was a good day for the Bob. He was up, coherent and tolerating his physical therapy. He's lost 44 pounds, mostly muscle mass, so we're hoping that he gets some of that back with the therapy.

I had no clothes and I've pretty much been putting off laundry for oh...almost a month and a half now. So I had huge piles of laundry to do today. Luckily, there was some sort of football thing going on today, I think, and the laundromat was empty. I did seven ginormous loads of laundry. Now I have clean clothes again, but tragically, I must iron now.

Well, I've run out of things to say. I'm slowly working back to being goofy again. Maybe next week I'll have actual entries instead of a million surveys and lists, the poor man's content.

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