Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Mad as pants.

2004-07-02 at 2:06 p.m.

Sometimes, there are words or phrases that will just set me off my rocker. I'll hear 'em and I'll just start laughing, the kind of deep guffawing that scares small children, animals, potential mates and old ladies. The kind of laughter that hurts. And it goes on, sometimes for an hour or longer. My longest laughing fit lasted for about an hour and a half over the words 'flaming toe'. I don't even remember why that came up in conversation.

The word toe, in various forms is often my undoing. Flaming toe, hairy toe, stinky toe and, once, Chinese toe. Crap. I've started giggling.

Other words and phrases that have undone me are: gimpy Neno, Nick Testicockulese, Pat McCrotch, wang, mandingo, "maybe the dingo ate your baby", moosage, "don't gnaw on my beak", "what about that gnarly old goat dude?", "you killed Ted you medieval dickweed!", "funny, she didn't look druish!", pork, schwing, Schwinn, nobgoblin, nob polisher, wanker, chupacabra and pants.

Lord, I've started laughing. I can barely type. Okay, I'm done. There have been times when I've been set off while driving and I have had to pull over.

Oh man, nobgoblin keeps making me giggle. I'd better stop this entry before I laugh myself straight out of my chair, which, sadly, wouldn't be the first time.

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