Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

Stolen List

2004-04-27 at 1:22 a.m.

If I could come up with my own stuff, then I wouldn't have to steal list-y type things from other people's journals. But until then, viva la stolen list!

What is your secret guaranteed weeping movie?

I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you.

If you could have plastic surgery, what would you have done?

I would have my butt re-done. It annoys me, my butt.

Do you have a completely irrational fear?

Ventriloquist dummies. .:shudder:.

What is the little physical habit that gives away your insecure moments?

My face turns red. It seriously pisses me off.

Do you have too many love interests?

Yes, but most of them are one-dimensional, so I I'm tragic.

Do you know anyone famous? For real famous?

Hmm. 'Know'? I met James Carville once, but that was tragic. I met Michael Dukakis, also tragic. I met Elie Wiesel, which was cool. I once flipped off then-governor Bush at a high school graduation, but that doesn't count. Um, my parents' best friends' daughter works for Sandra Bullock's production company.

My cousin Jeff met a Dallas Cowboys cheerleader via his online journal. So, I guess the answer is no. I'm several degrees removed from anyone famous.

Describe your bed:

It's unmade. I'm a restless sleeper, so my bed looks like I wrestle in it (not in the fun way)and the bottom sheet is always half-off. My bedspread is khaki with very pretty embroidered flowers on it and my sheets are flannel with Hostess cupcakes. Sometimes, I want to eat my sheets.

Spontaneous or plan?


Do you know how to play poker?

I spent a good deal of my childhood in bars, so not only can I play poker and shuffleboard, but I also play pool. I'm not all that great at any of them, but I can at least look cool.

What do you carry with you at all times?

My wallet and my keys.

What do you miss most about being little?

No responsibility and Barbies.

Are you happy with your given name?

I used to hate it, but now that I'm older, I thank my parents on a daily basis for not naming me Destiny, Sydney, Paris or Syren or something stupid like that.

How much money would it take to get you to give up the Internet for one year?

All my debts.

Do you like yourself and believe in yourself?

Sort of. I have faith in my abilities, but I don't always like myself. Depends on when you ask.

Do you consider yourself to be a nice person?

Too nice.

Would you like to spend more time with your friends?

I guess, since I live 2,000 miles away from them, but I can't spend too much time with people or I go insane. I need lots of alone time.

What's one thing you wish you could do but can't?

Motivate myself.

What is your ideal marriage location?

Belhurst Castle in Geneva, NY.

Which musical instrument do you wish you could play?


Favorite fabric?


Something you love and hate?

McDonald's. (God, I love their fries.)

What's the one language you want to learn?

Japanese, and then Spanish, 'cause it's useful.

What do you order at a bar?

Whisky sour.

Do you drive stick?


What's one trait you hate in a person?


What kind of watch(es) do you wear?

I used to wear a Swatch until it died, and then I wore a talking Powerpuff Girls watch with Buttercup, and THEN I wore a talking Krusty the Clown watch, until my mom said I needed an 'adult' watch and bought me a silver Fossil watch that has roman numerals on it.

Most frivolous purchase?

MP3 player.

Do you consider yourself materialistic?

Heh. Yessss. It's tragic, but true.

What do you cook the best?

Quiche lorraine.

Favorite writing instrument?

My Hello Kitty pen that lights up. =^.^=

Do you prefer to stand out or blend in?

Stand out.

Do you have anything monogrammed?

Someone gave me a monogrammed nightgown for my birthday. I always feel tres preppy when I wear it.

What kind of books do you like to read?

Anything and everything.

If you won the lottery, what would you do?

Pay off my debts and then go shopping.

What's one thing you're a sore loser at?

Trivial Pursuit.

What kind of first impression do you think you give to people?

"Did that girl just say something about badgers? Yes, I think she did."

What's one thing you like to do alone?

Heh. Drive. I get nervous when other people are in the car with me.

Are you a giver or a taker?


When's the last time you cried?

Today. Romantic movie.

Favorite communication method?

Letters. Writing good letters is a lost art.

Do you think you're cute?

Tragically. I'd rather think I'm sexy.


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The Well of Lost Plots by Jasper Fforde

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The radio.

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Food Network

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