Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

I'm a tired, lazy bastard

2004-01-19 at 1:04 p.m.

So, do you have to work today? Because I sure as hell do. At both jobs. Martin Luther Who? Wasn't he the guy who nailed something to a door in, um...Finland or something?

What? Civil rights? Whatchoo talkin' about, Willis?

Anyway, work today and school is out. Babysitting again. Plus, we're switching circulation database systems this week, which means that until our new system is put in place around Friday, we'll have to do all transactions by hand. That's right.

It's 1954, people. Someone just came up with a huge stack of books and I wanted to cry.

No wonder librarians have that reputation of being cranky. I would be, too. I've only been at work for about an hour and my hand is cramping up.


So, the past four days I had to commute to Syracuse to do the residency requirement for my distance learning classes. Due to the hideously foul weather, an hour commute stretched to two and a half hours both ways, leaving me tense, tired and supremely cranky.

Especially on Sunday, when my professor moved the class's starting time back an hour so people could leave early to catch flights and such, meaning I had to wake up at 5. In the morning. Grr.

I came home last night and just crashed. I went to bed around 8 and didn't wake up until 11 this morning. And I still feel tired. Luckily, the classes are all on-line from this point on, so all is good.

I still haven't entirely unpacked, so my apartment is a mess. I wonder when I'll get around to it? Heh. One of these days, I suppose. One of these days.

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