Mark Twain

Clothes make the man. Naked people have little or no influence on society.

Dorothy Parker

Ducking for apples - change one letter and it's the story of my life.

Bertrand Russell

There is much pleasure to be gained from useless knowledge.

I must be in bizarro world because...

2006-01-26 at 7:55 p.m.

Well, hey there!

Somehow I find myself in charge of a $2.1 million dollar budget. Hmmm. A quick glance at my checkbook reveals that I do not, in fact, posess super-human budgeting abilities. I have been forced to dig around my brain for my rusty, unused math skills, which were apparently playing poker in a corner with my organizational skills. Since the org. skills were bored, they decided to come along, as well. They are now engaged in a life-or-death battle against the forces of sloth and incompetence, who, tragically, have a home court advantage.

This makes me sad. Also, it gives me a headache. And, man was that a tortured analogy.

But in happy news, I finally deduced how to figure 4% of things on my calculator. Oh, it was hit-or-miss for a while, but luckily, I do work in a library, so I went downstairs and found myself a book on percentages. Sure, it was a kid's book, but it had the info I needed and bright, colorful cartoons to help me learn. I can also multiply. I am very happy about this. Thank you Mathy, the math monkey!

I am running my first collection development meeting on Tuesday since I am also apparently the head of Collection Development. This will prove to be interesting. There is a lot of tension in the library right now vis a vis the new labeling system and if I'm lucky, there may be a rumble between Tech Services and Public Services. Like Westside Story, but oh so much lamer. I may use my city purcahse card to buy nerf bats so everyone can whack things (or each other) to ease the tension. Or I may buy a lucha libre (Mexican Wrestling) mask, slip it on and jump into the fray! Double suplex catalog smash! Triple Dewey Bender! MARC-RECORD HAMMER! Okay, it's proving very difficult to come up with library-themed wrestling moves, so I'll stop now before I blow something in my head that I might need later. Oh, one more---796.812 ELBOW! HA!

Yeeeeaaahhhh, that was wierd. Sorry for all the bizarre-ness. I had coffee this morning, thus I am currently typing at the speed of light, it's only taken me 20 seconds to write this entry, in fact, I'm typing so fast that I may begin to go BACK in time, to a time before I drank coffee, at which point this entry, which might not exist, will begin not to make sense. See?! Thanks, Einstein!

Tee hee. Anyway, I had coffee this morning because I had a budget meeting first thing and I always find it to be helpful not to be dozing while my department head tells me that I can only increase some parts of my budget by 4%, the rest not at all, and that the city manager wants to move to performance-based budgeting which means I'll have to get off my ass and prove that we actually need the money. So, yes, I needed to be awake. Also, there were donuts and if you aren't quick on your feet, those bastards from Museums will eat them all.

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